Did Someone Say ‘Nuts’?

This particular squirrel seemed to enjoy being a star and posed quite a bit for me - on the ground, while clambering up the trunk of the tree, once in the tree...I've included a couple shots of this guy (first 2 images). I also loved that he had a nut in his mouth while running around and climbing everywhere!
Here's my friend again - apologies for the scary eyes, but I promise that in real life he didn't look like a werewolf squirrel, just a normal, cute squirrel!
How could I not take a picture of this one?
At least this jack-o'-lantern went to good use after Halloween!
Bon Appetit!
Where's Waldo?
Squirrel Team Six: Camouflage Mode
Moving out!

16 thoughts on “Did Someone Say ‘Nuts’?

  1. i love these!! The one where he is eating the pumpkin is really really good 🙂 you should enter it in something! haha 🙂


    1. Thanks, Heather! 🙂 I’m happy you liked them so much! I love the ones where he’s eating the pumpkin, he was SO cute just nibbling on it like that! Hadn’t even thought about the possibility of entering it something…any suggestions? 😉


    1. Thanks! 🙂 I’ll bet they wreak havoc on gardens – we currently live in an apartment, so since I unfortunately don’t have a garden to worry about, they’re still just cute 😉 Thanks again for your comment, hope to hear from you again!


    1. Thanks for your comment – it put a big smile on my face 🙂 I’m very happy your daughter liked them, even though they’re not chipmunks. I’ve tried getting pictures of chipmunks, but I don’t see them very often and they’re hard to capture because they’re so fast!


    1. Thanks very much! 🙂

      I just loved the squirrel eating the pumpkin – I was lucky he stayed long enough for me to capture a few shots before scampering off again!

      And that other squirrel really seemed like a star – he was running around on the ground, but pausing long enough for me to take a picture, then he took his time running up the trunk, stopping every now and then in different poses, and looking straight at me. It really seemed like he was saying “ok, I’m ready, you can take your picture now!”. He was hilarious!


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